You are here: Home/Life/ Day 21: Thank you all for the daily prayers, please keep them coming. Whit had a tough day today maintaining his vitals. Today seemed to be a constant state of beeps and alarms for us. Whit had a bunch of self-resolves and even one apnea spell (his second so far) so lil man is just having a tough 24 hours. These things are pretty normal as pooping or even a deep sleep can throw off heart or breathing rates. Not a favorite day, for us, but we anticipated that not everyday would be as peaceful as they’ve been this past week. Here is a photo of him earlier in the day all sprawled out snoozing. Much love to everyone praying for little Whit and our family. #NICU #nicubaby #boyslife
Day 21: Thank you all for the daily prayers, please keep them coming. Whit had a tough day today maintaining his vitals. Today seemed to be a constant state of beeps and alarms for us. Whit had a bunch of self-resolves and even one apnea spell (his second so far) so lil man is just having a tough 24 hours. These things are pretty normal as pooping or even a deep sleep can throw off heart or breathing rates. Not a favorite day, for us, but we anticipated that not everyday would be as peaceful as they’ve been this past week. Here is a photo of him earlier in the day all sprawled out snoozing. Much love to everyone praying for little Whit and our family. #NICU #nicubaby #boyslife
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