You are here: Home/Life/ Day 6: Whit is doing quite well. He’s off the photo therapy lights (no more sunglasses 😫) and his oxygen pressure has been brought down. All good signs, yay! The staff has been amazing to watch as they tend to our and others children. We are here for the evening to let the boys catch up with their brother and possibly see his “peach butt” when he gets a bath later this evening. #nicubaby #nicu #preemie #boyslife
Day 6: Whit is doing quite well. He’s off the photo therapy lights (no more sunglasses 😫) and his oxygen pressure has been brought down. All good signs, yay! The staff has been amazing to watch as they tend to our and others children. We are here for the evening to let the boys catch up with their brother and possibly see his “peach butt” when he gets a bath later this evening. #nicubaby #nicu #preemie #boyslife
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